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Board Breaking


Board breaking is one the most exciting components of Teakwon-Do. Firstly, it demostrates to the practitioner their ability to perform the technique to a sufficient level to be effective, should Taekwon-Do ever be required. Secondly, for those witnessing the technique it can be a very impressive display of the effectiveness of Taekwon-Do and the power it can generate, regardless of size, age, sex, or other factors. Some general points to be observed when board breaking: (i) There is ALWAYS the potential for damage to the practitioner, therefore all due care and attention MUST be engaged when breaking (even just in preparatory training to break). (ii) Breaking should be taught by a qualified instructor and learned under direct supervision until the practitioner is proficient enough to attend independently. (iii) Learning to break should only commence once the practitioner has attained 7th Kup and even then only a certain number of techniques employed. More advanced techniques can be introduced at higher ranks.


(i) ensure the equipment used is in good working order. If wall mounted or wall supported equipment is used, ensure it is positioned correctly. (ii) ensure the timber/rebreakable board is positioned correctly (the grain/seam/breakline) runs parallel with the holder (generally horizontal). (iii) ensure the board is firmly placed against the supports and sitting flush. Utilise any straps or locks, depending on what holder you are using. (iv) face the Examiner and name the break and attacking tool (good habit to get into, even when training). (v) do a final check of holder and board. (vi) take position in respect to the board. Maintain focus/eye contact with the centre of the board from this point up till placing the foot on the floor after the attempt (regardless of the outcome). (vii) await direction from the Examiner/Official (if applicable) to ‘MEASURE’ the technique to the target. Ideally, get proficient to the point of measuring once only. At Grading / Competition, the attacking tool can only touch the target once before attempting to break. The second touch will be considered your attempt. (viii) await direction from the Examiner/Judge (if applicable) to ‘BREAK’. Prior to breaking, the practitioner must kihap, to announce to all that they are attempting to break. This will ensure no-one walks into the breaking area and the Examiner/Official to watch. Then perform the technique, lowering the foot into L stance guarding block after striking. Only then, turnm back to the Examiner/Official to progress.